1. This is the score area. You can see how many rounds have been played, the score of each round and your total score. Use the BANK button to credit the points of a round. It will turn yellow as soon as you have enough points. The circle above the button shows a crystal. It increases in size as the number of points increases. Each player has their own score area, which is displayed when it is the player's turn.

2. Here the points per single dice roll are saved. This continues until you either lose the points via a "Farkle" or have them added to your points account.

3. The downward pointing arrow appears after you press the DICE button. It makes it easier for you to transfer the points of a single dice roll.

4. These are the people currently participating in the game and the points they have achieved so far.

5. The book icon will take you to the rules of the game.

6. Press here if you want to leave the game to go back to the main menu. In offline mode, your current game status will be saved automatically.